Saturday, February 22, 2014

Geek's Night Out, postmortem

In a word - disappointing.

Probably due to expectations.

Last year, I had none. I wanted to see a TARDIS. I had wanted R come, because he could have had fun with the kids and the STEM stuff. He didn't. So the kids and I went solo, had a blast.

This year, we met a friend there. The kids dressed up - they were pretty snazzy and were stopped many times for photos. I, of course, took none. I kind of dressed up (and one person even recognized who I was supposed to be!).

There was no TARDIS. If there were vendors, I didn't find them. The costume contest that the kids signed up for? As far as I can tell, it never took place. The band ... well, I hate to criticize, given my complete lack of musical ability, but they were really really bad.

We did see a few cool things, some neat costumes. There was a little kid dressed as a Jawa, complete with glowing eyes - that was pretty cool. I managed a few beers, although given that it was AZ Beer Week, it was disappointing that I only got a "normal" beer.

I guess we'll see what next year brings.

Monday, February 17, 2014

... months and months and months later ...

Wow. I think this is a record for blog-ignoring.

Our first big event of 2014 is fast approaching - Geek's Night Out. Last year was amazing, inspiring, and all around really cool. I went for the TARDIS

stayed for the rockin' rendition of The Ballad of Jayne

There was lots of science stuff, Ghostbusters, zombies, storm troopers, Doctors. It was then and there that I decided me MUST go to Comicon, a decision I haven't regretted for one second.

We met lots of Geeks, had a picture of Hello Kitty/Captain America drawn, and basically just had a crap load of fun.

This year promises to be better. The kids are older, more used to this kind of event. It will be warm (F Arizona weather), we are all dressing up (they - Harry and Hermione, me - Kiki), and now we know a few people who are involved.

So it's not quite Comicon, but it's a nice stopgap.

And that's all I've got for now.