Part 1- Build Up
Part 2- Our Costumes
Part 3- Panels
Part 4- The People
So. After all is said and done, the takeaway is? I don't know. It was fun. Awesome. Exhausting. Infuriating (at times). Seriously cool. Ridiculous. Pick a label, it was that. All packed into the hours of 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 23 to about 2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 26.
I understand that many people go for only one day their first time. That would not have worked for us. For me. There was just too much to see, to do, to take in. I can't operate that way if I don't have to, and I was fortunate that this time around, I didn't have to. I probably should have, but chose not to.
My expectations, going in, were to connect with a group or groups of people who were into some of the same things I (we) are into. That didn't really happen, but I am not altogether disappointed, because really, there's no earthly way I could have spent any more time networking with the kids there (and if the kids weren't there? I probably would have hid in a corner and just watched - can we say INTROVERT! Kids are a great shield.)
Also, going in, I knew it was going to be a chore. I knew it was going to be harder for me than for most, because of this stupid illness. Had I done this four months ago with the same kids, it would have been tiring, but not as overwhelming. But being sick every second of every day for going on three months has played havoc on my mind and body, obviously, not to mention the realities of four days of extreme exertion with fevers, body aches, exhaustion and KIDS!
That being said, I wish we could fly to Denver tomorrow for their Comicon and do it all over again this weekend!
Tucson has a Comicon in ... the fall sometime. We will try to go, but it won't be the full out extravaganza of Phoenix. There are some mini-Cons, even one in Mesa I think. We'll see.
I realize I am setting the kids up for full geekdom, but let's face it. The odds were always stacked that way anyway. The good news is that with me as their role model, they have a fighting chance to be geek chic instead of ... well, troglodyte geek. Not that I can see either of them going down that road, but you just never know. :)
And now, I'm calling it a wrap. For a while, anyway.
Part 6 - Doing Comicon with Kids, HOW TO, coming up sometime
Sweating it out in the desert with Epstein Barr. Helping mom with stage 3 breast cancer battle. Two awesome SUPER kids. We get by with a little help from Doctor Who, Super Heroes, every book we can put our hands on, and various other oddities. Time to hero up! Allons-y!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Phoenix Comicon, Part 4- The People
Part 1, Build up
Part 2, Our Costumes
Part 3, Panels
The people were weird. They were strange. They were smart. They were dumb. They were kind. They were jerks. Basically, take a sampling of humanity, and you have your Comicon group. I didn't really "connect", but that isn't surprising, given that I was in charge of two very excited young people. There was no real time for chatting.
And really, we were there for the costumes. We were not disappointed.
I think, when we go again, I'd like to have some time set aside to just sit and watch. I've been seeing some pictures on Facebook of incredible costumes that I didn't see. There really was no way to see everyone, obviously. Everyone that dressed up did a great job. Most people were very nice when asked for photos. We all got many compliments on our costumes, and were asked for photos ourselves. I think the kids were asked by the official Con photographers every day - I have 7 cards from them.
Part 2, Our Costumes
Part 3, Panels
The people were weird. They were strange. They were smart. They were dumb. They were kind. They were jerks. Basically, take a sampling of humanity, and you have your Comicon group. I didn't really "connect", but that isn't surprising, given that I was in charge of two very excited young people. There was no real time for chatting.
And really, we were there for the costumes. We were not disappointed.
I think, when we go again, I'd like to have some time set aside to just sit and watch. I've been seeing some pictures on Facebook of incredible costumes that I didn't see. There really was no way to see everyone, obviously. Everyone that dressed up did a great job. Most people were very nice when asked for photos. We all got many compliments on our costumes, and were asked for photos ourselves. I think the kids were asked by the official Con photographers every day - I have 7 cards from them.
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Ariel, Rapunzel, Aurora and Hermione |
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Z and Nick Fur-reeee (as he says it) |
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Awesome 11th Doctor and Tardis in kid's fashion show |
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Tonto, Kid's Fashion show. Maybe one of the best, most original costumes I saw. |
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Ood and Weeping Angel |
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Belle, Rapunzel and Ariel |
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Edward Scissorhands at wand making class. |
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The Riddler with Iron Patriot and Bat Girl. |
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Harley Quinn and Bat Girl |
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Bat Man and Bat Girl |
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Peter Pan handed out magic jewels to the kids. So awesome. |
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Bat Person and kids |
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There were a lot, I mean a LOT of Jokers. We weren't in close proximity to many. This guy was sweet. |
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Homemade Iron Man. It was really well done. Very nice guy, he looked like Jim from "The Office." |
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This was the best Superman. |
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Quite a few Captain Jack Sparrows. They were all mostly awesome. This guy was in character and I wanted to hang out with him and party. |
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Empty child. One of several we saw. I want to do this for the kids. Except better. |
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Scarlet Witch. We saw 2 or 3, which I thought was awesome. A loves her on Super Hero Squad. The kids call her super powers "Pink Power" because she shoots out pink charges when she attacks. Funny. |
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A really cool Wonder Woman. Maybe my favorite. Z was sad he chose not to take a picture with this one, and asked several times over the weekend if we could try to find her. |
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Super Man and Super Girl with Kryptonite. |
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A couple of Super Kids at Xavier University. |
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Captain America and Scarlet Spidey. Cap is Z's favorite person. We saw a lot of him, and he was incredibly sweet and patient with the kids. All of the "professional" cosplayers were, really. |
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So, I was calling this girl "Joker", and I still think that's right, but I'm not 100% sure. After the weekend, I realized there is a LOT I don't know about comics, pop culture, etc. |
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Iron Man hugging Bat Man |
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Captain America and Iron Patriot |
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Harry Potter and Hermione |
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Wasp and Bat Rapunzel |
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We learned how to be a mermaid from this girl. SO cute. |
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Hawkeye and Cap. Seeing a theme here? |
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Katniss! |
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Zombie Alice and Mad Hatter |
Phoenix Comicon, Part 3 - The Panels
You can read Part 1- the build up HERE , and Part 2- the Costumes HERE
Much to my surprise, when I started investigating the Comicon website, I learned that there are tons of things to do. They bring in movie and TV stars, authors, illustrators, comic book geniuses, pop culture gurus, etc. They also have ordinary street people, aka "The Fans", organize panels on their favorite subjects.
The list of panels long long LONG! I can't remember how many someone said they had, but it was, I believe the official term is, "A BUTTLOAD." There were like 15 or so every hour for four days. How do you choose? Luckily, there weren't a ton that I thought the kids would sit through ("luckily" or "sadly"?), so that made it easier. First I picked all the ones I really really wanted to go to. Then I picked the ones I thought the kids would love. There was a lot of overlap, and I'm not sure if that speaks more about me or the kids.
Anyway, I was really excited about the panels before we got there. Most of them were huge letdowns. Part of the problem for me was that... ok .... I need presenters to be smarter than I am. That's not a huge order. Really. Maybe I just went to the wrong panels? Anyway, for my own memories, here are our panels and a few thoughts.
Adam Rex
I admit that we know very little about Adam Rex , (and if you click the link of the heading, you'll see that "LITTLE IS KNOWN ABOUT ADAM REX", so I am not alone!) other than that he did a magnificent job illustrating Neil Gaiman's "Chu Day", which we completely love. I had added his panel to my list, because... well, Neil. I was pretty surprised to find him sitting at a booth, with no "handler". He had some of his books out, and was drawing pictures in exchange for a VERY VERY small donation to the Red Cross. Seriously, how could you pass that up? Sadly, we kind of did. The kids couldn't decide, so A asked for a Chu, which of course is adorable and cute, and Z said he didn't want anything. And I didn't think to ask for one. We planned to return, but never made it. So we have one original Adam Rex drawing of Chu.
The man himself- he was very nice. Apparently, he lives in Tucson. Who knew? A really wanted to go back and ask him about being a writer and illustrator, because that is on her growing list of things she wants to be when she grows up. Since he's local, hopefully he'll be around some other time. I've checked out his Twitter feed, and not only is he talented, but he's also clever. The two don't always go hand-in-hand. We did not make it to his panel, logistics were a nightmare.
Terry Brooks
Oh my god, Terry Brooks! I didn't get to see him. I didn't think I'd get to. But he was there, and that was cool in and of itself. He started me on this path many many years ago with The Sword of Shannara books.
John Barrowman
Captain Jack Harkness, Face of Boh (sorry, spoilers!)... we didn't do any panels or photo ops, but did see him walking with a very lovely LV messenger bag, so ... yeah, he wins. Hubba hubba.
Wil Wheaton, who was in my hotel. Didn't get to see him, would have loved to have posed with him and some twine. And this happened, uhm, I believe the correct response in fangirl is: SQUEE!
The girl who played Kaylee on Firefly
Some Walking Dead people
Some True Blood people
Avengers Assemble
This was the first one we went to, and it was a little awful. A little great, too. The cosplayers from Arizona Avengers (who we ended up seeing a LOT of) were in character, taking questions from the audience. The first problem, I think, was that no one had any questions. The second problem was the guy who seemed to be moderating the panel - he was playing Tony Stark, not Iron Man. He was a little obnoxious, but not in the funny clever way Robert Downey, Jr. portrays him. Just obnoxious. Eventually, people started asking questions. Ada asked a question, or rather, she had a comment. She wanted to tell Bruce Banner that she knew how he got his Hulk powers. Unfortunately, between her articulation problem and the acoustics in the room, he thought she wanted to know how he got his powers. She lost it a little. It was very sad. Then Zane asked something about "the real Iron Man", who was standing off to the side. "The Real Iron Man" came down the aisle and gave Zane a hug, and I wish I had a better angle and more warning, because it was one of the cutest things in the world. Ada was still sad, so we wrapped it up and headed down to the exhibitor's hall.
Pre-Con/Coz Whostraviganza!!!!
I had my hope pinned on the Doctor Who crowd, which was led by AZ T.A.R.D.I.S. And this panel has four (FOUR!!!!) exclamation points, so it had to be great, right?) For the most part, they did not disappoint. This was their first panel, and they made a point of saying they were very inclusive, they didn't discriminate, they welcomed everyone. But... I did find them a little cliquey. Anyway, the panel itself wasn't all that interesting, more just information about the group, which I already knew, and about the activities for the weekend, most of which I already knew. The guy leading it was good, and truthfully, I discovered that a good moderator really makes a difference. I knew of him from the group Facebook page - he does a mean 10th Doctor. The kids got a little bored, and they were tired, so we didn't stay for the whole thing.
Doctor Who in Pop Culture
The moderator was great. I wish he had done the panel solo. It had great potential. I think my expectations are way too high. It's great that fans pull this off. They put a lot of work into it. But... I wish they were all performer-grade. I need my panelists to be smarter than me. Not asking a lot. Yeah, I'm a snot. I've been told that.
Magic Wand Making
This was a fun one for the kids. But since it involved hot glue, I had to do most of the work. It took place in the big Kid's Need to Read art room, so we didn't get out of there for a few hours.
How to Be a Mermaid
Surprisingly (not) this was a huge hit. The girl running it was carried out in full mermaid regalia (tail), and the kids were hooked. I think Z lost interest a little bit, but A was enthralled. Both of them want tails. And so do I.
Learn to Dance The Thriller
Z was the most excited about this one when I told them it was a zombie dance. They have never seen the video, or probably even heard the music. God, my kids are sheltered! Anyway, the group running it does a flash mob and was recruiting. A and I did the whole lesson, and signed up for more lessons when they get closer to flash mob time. Z wasn't into it after about 10 minutes.
I have to say that it was awesomely cool to see about 100 people in all modes of costumes dance to Thriller. The best ones were right in front of us - Batman and Robin. So cool.
I enjoyed that one a lot.
Justice League Training Camp
AZ Justice League put up things the kids could do. They bent steel with Superman, broke through a wall with Wonder Woman, shot Baterangs with Batman and Robin, and a few other things. It was really cute and cool. The people in this group are awesome, very good with the kids. The only thing I wish they could have done (impossible given the crowd) was go a little slower for photos.
Avengers Obstacle Course
Much the same as the Justice League, except the kids had to choose only one area. That kind of sucked. Z cheated and did his, then went behind A and did part of her area. Oy. But again, the people in this group are amazing, and as I've mentioned, Z has a little boy crush on Captain America.
Party Like a Time Lord!
This was the Doctor Who TARDIS party. We got there an hour after it started, and actually had to stand in line around the building to wait to get in! Very popular. Mostly it was just a dance party, but they had a Doctor Who and Companion costume contest that was kind of fun. There were a few really good costumes, but truthfully, the best costumes I saw were elsewhere. The kids and I danced a little, talked to a few kids and their parents, mingled. It was a party, and I kind of really hate parties, so we didn't stay long. It was the only party we went to, although I had wanted to hit Geek Prom - obviously that wasn't possible with the kids in tow. Oh well, another time.
Kid's Fashion Show
We almost didn't make it to this, and that would have been so sad. It was one of my favorite events. Only about 20-25 kids showed up, so there was plenty of time for each kid to walk the runway (not that mine took that opportunity), and they were so stinkin' adorable.
Part 4, The People
Part 5, Reflections - in the works
Much to my surprise, when I started investigating the Comicon website, I learned that there are tons of things to do. They bring in movie and TV stars, authors, illustrators, comic book geniuses, pop culture gurus, etc. They also have ordinary street people, aka "The Fans", organize panels on their favorite subjects.
The list of panels long long LONG! I can't remember how many someone said they had, but it was, I believe the official term is, "A BUTTLOAD." There were like 15 or so every hour for four days. How do you choose? Luckily, there weren't a ton that I thought the kids would sit through ("luckily" or "sadly"?), so that made it easier. First I picked all the ones I really really wanted to go to. Then I picked the ones I thought the kids would love. There was a lot of overlap, and I'm not sure if that speaks more about me or the kids.
Anyway, I was really excited about the panels before we got there. Most of them were huge letdowns. Part of the problem for me was that... ok .... I need presenters to be smarter than I am. That's not a huge order. Really. Maybe I just went to the wrong panels? Anyway, for my own memories, here are our panels and a few thoughts.
Adam Rex
I admit that we know very little about Adam Rex , (and if you click the link of the heading, you'll see that "LITTLE IS KNOWN ABOUT ADAM REX", so I am not alone!) other than that he did a magnificent job illustrating Neil Gaiman's "Chu Day", which we completely love. I had added his panel to my list, because... well, Neil. I was pretty surprised to find him sitting at a booth, with no "handler". He had some of his books out, and was drawing pictures in exchange for a VERY VERY small donation to the Red Cross. Seriously, how could you pass that up? Sadly, we kind of did. The kids couldn't decide, so A asked for a Chu, which of course is adorable and cute, and Z said he didn't want anything. And I didn't think to ask for one. We planned to return, but never made it. So we have one original Adam Rex drawing of Chu.
The man himself- he was very nice. Apparently, he lives in Tucson. Who knew? A really wanted to go back and ask him about being a writer and illustrator, because that is on her growing list of things she wants to be when she grows up. Since he's local, hopefully he'll be around some other time. I've checked out his Twitter feed, and not only is he talented, but he's also clever. The two don't always go hand-in-hand. We did not make it to his panel, logistics were a nightmare.
Terry Brooks
Oh my god, Terry Brooks! I didn't get to see him. I didn't think I'd get to. But he was there, and that was cool in and of itself. He started me on this path many many years ago with The Sword of Shannara books.
John Barrowman
Captain Jack Harkness, Face of Boh (sorry, spoilers!)... we didn't do any panels or photo ops, but did see him walking with a very lovely LV messenger bag, so ... yeah, he wins. Hubba hubba.
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John Barrowman, Dalek, Empty Child |
Wil Wheaton, who was in my hotel. Didn't get to see him, would have loved to have posed with him and some twine. And this happened, uhm, I believe the correct response in fangirl is: SQUEE!
The girl who played Kaylee on Firefly
Some Walking Dead people
Some True Blood people
Avengers Assemble
This was the first one we went to, and it was a little awful. A little great, too. The cosplayers from Arizona Avengers (who we ended up seeing a LOT of) were in character, taking questions from the audience. The first problem, I think, was that no one had any questions. The second problem was the guy who seemed to be moderating the panel - he was playing Tony Stark, not Iron Man. He was a little obnoxious, but not in the funny clever way Robert Downey, Jr. portrays him. Just obnoxious. Eventually, people started asking questions. Ada asked a question, or rather, she had a comment. She wanted to tell Bruce Banner that she knew how he got his Hulk powers. Unfortunately, between her articulation problem and the acoustics in the room, he thought she wanted to know how he got his powers. She lost it a little. It was very sad. Then Zane asked something about "the real Iron Man", who was standing off to the side. "The Real Iron Man" came down the aisle and gave Zane a hug, and I wish I had a better angle and more warning, because it was one of the cutest things in the world. Ada was still sad, so we wrapped it up and headed down to the exhibitor's hall.
Pre-Con/Coz Whostraviganza!!!!
I had my hope pinned on the Doctor Who crowd, which was led by AZ T.A.R.D.I.S. And this panel has four (FOUR!!!!) exclamation points, so it had to be great, right?) For the most part, they did not disappoint. This was their first panel, and they made a point of saying they were very inclusive, they didn't discriminate, they welcomed everyone. But... I did find them a little cliquey. Anyway, the panel itself wasn't all that interesting, more just information about the group, which I already knew, and about the activities for the weekend, most of which I already knew. The guy leading it was good, and truthfully, I discovered that a good moderator really makes a difference. I knew of him from the group Facebook page - he does a mean 10th Doctor. The kids got a little bored, and they were tired, so we didn't stay for the whole thing.
Doctor Who in Pop Culture
The moderator was great. I wish he had done the panel solo. It had great potential. I think my expectations are way too high. It's great that fans pull this off. They put a lot of work into it. But... I wish they were all performer-grade. I need my panelists to be smarter than me. Not asking a lot. Yeah, I'm a snot. I've been told that.
Magic Wand Making
This was a fun one for the kids. But since it involved hot glue, I had to do most of the work. It took place in the big Kid's Need to Read art room, so we didn't get out of there for a few hours.
How to Be a Mermaid
Surprisingly (not) this was a huge hit. The girl running it was carried out in full mermaid regalia (tail), and the kids were hooked. I think Z lost interest a little bit, but A was enthralled. Both of them want tails. And so do I.
Learn to Dance The Thriller
Z was the most excited about this one when I told them it was a zombie dance. They have never seen the video, or probably even heard the music. God, my kids are sheltered! Anyway, the group running it does a flash mob and was recruiting. A and I did the whole lesson, and signed up for more lessons when they get closer to flash mob time. Z wasn't into it after about 10 minutes.
I have to say that it was awesomely cool to see about 100 people in all modes of costumes dance to Thriller. The best ones were right in front of us - Batman and Robin. So cool.
I enjoyed that one a lot.
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Batman and Robin dance Thriller |
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A and Z kind of dance Thriller |
Justice League Training Camp
AZ Justice League put up things the kids could do. They bent steel with Superman, broke through a wall with Wonder Woman, shot Baterangs with Batman and Robin, and a few other things. It was really cute and cool. The people in this group are awesome, very good with the kids. The only thing I wish they could have done (impossible given the crowd) was go a little slower for photos.
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Bending steel with Superman |
Avengers Obstacle Course
Much the same as the Justice League, except the kids had to choose only one area. That kind of sucked. Z cheated and did his, then went behind A and did part of her area. Oy. But again, the people in this group are amazing, and as I've mentioned, Z has a little boy crush on Captain America.
Party Like a Time Lord!
This was the Doctor Who TARDIS party. We got there an hour after it started, and actually had to stand in line around the building to wait to get in! Very popular. Mostly it was just a dance party, but they had a Doctor Who and Companion costume contest that was kind of fun. There were a few really good costumes, but truthfully, the best costumes I saw were elsewhere. The kids and I danced a little, talked to a few kids and their parents, mingled. It was a party, and I kind of really hate parties, so we didn't stay long. It was the only party we went to, although I had wanted to hit Geek Prom - obviously that wasn't possible with the kids in tow. Oh well, another time.
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The only picture of the TARDIS tutu. Not a great picture, AT ALL, but it's what I've got. Somehow I ended up wearing the Harry Potter glasses. Lovely. |
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Hermione and the TARDIS |
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Z and I while A danced |
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Z and A dancing |
Kid's Fashion Show
We almost didn't make it to this, and that would have been so sad. It was one of my favorite events. Only about 20-25 kids showed up, so there was plenty of time for each kid to walk the runway (not that mine took that opportunity), and they were so stinkin' adorable.
Part 4, The People
Part 5, Reflections - in the works
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Phoenix Comicon Part 2- Our Costumes
The continuing saga of our first Comicon. The part that, to the kids, was the most important. The costumes. See the first part here- it's kind of dull, the leading up to getting there.
As previously mentioned, we pulled together costumes. The kids got such a kick out of that.Day One, Bat Girl and Bat Man.
Super cute, and super popular. I think about 15 people stopped us to take pictures, and we were only there from 4:30-7:30 or so. There were lots of Bat people there all weekend, but I think Ada's Bat Girl costume was definitely the cutest of the lot. Sadly, she dropped her mask as we were walking out for lunch on the last day. Someone saw it drop and ran to tell us within 2 minutes, but someone else had grabbed it and never turned it in to lost and found. Jerk. Not the only one we ran into.
Day two, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.
These were the costumes that needed the most supplementing, but everything was super cheap on eBay and Goodwill. I lucked out. Zane was a fabulous Harry, although he didn't want to be for very long, and Ada's Hermione was out of this world. The two of them together, once again, were huge camera draws, and got lots of photo requests.
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Harry and Hermione. Expelliarmus! |
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Harry Potter |
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Harry and Hermione take on the TARDIS |
Days three and four-
Anything goes. I found Iron Patriot for Zane, which we only saw 2-3 others of. I think that was is favorite costume, although it was my least favorite. The body of the costume is just a simple Halloween costume, polyester jumpsuit. Not clever at all. But he loves it.
Ada brought her Rapunzel dress. She wasn't sure she wanted to wear it, but the third day, we did a hybrid of Rapunzel and Bat Girl. That was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.

Mostly Ada did Hermione for the last two days, though. She really liked the attention. Can't imagine where she gets that from.
As for me, I switched it up over the days, but I think it went like this:
Day one:11th Doctor
Easy to pull off, just needed suspenders and a bow tie (got a Jerry Garcia one which was on clearance at Kohl's for $5.) Black skirt and tights and shoes I already owned, cream colored long sleeved shirt and cami, I went femme Doctor. Oh, and the fez I got a while back. Can't forget the fez. Fezes are cool.
Days two and four: Captain Mal Reynolds-
This ended up being my favorite, much to my surprise. It was also the most under-represented at Con, also much to my surprise. I just added brown ribbon to the sides of khaki pants I had, long sleeved burgundy shirt, 11th Doctor suspenders, brown boots I already own, black cami. I spray painted one of the kids' toy guns. Belt from Walmart. Femme Mal. I have to say, the Browncoats were kind of assholish.So sad.
Day three- morning
4th Doctor- Costume Tee, grey skirt, brown hat. Simple. I thought it was cute, and probably the most comfortable. Not as clever as the others, though, and nowhere near being a great 4th Doctor.
Day four, afternoon/evening TARDIS -
I would hazard a guess that the TARDIS was the most done costume at Con. Or at least the most represented symbol. You couldn't walk 10 feet without seeing a t-shirt, hat, or full-blown costume. I was hesitant to do it, because it's way overdone, and I'm all about originality. However, since I already owned three TARDIS t-shirts, I tried to think of a way to incorporated them into something interesting. Two weeks ago, Ada had her dance recital, and one of her costumes gave me the inspiration I was looking for. I mad a TARDIS tutu. Awesome, no? Eh, it had great potential, but I don't think I pulled it off. I made it far too fluffy for someone as big as I am. I will redo the fluffy bits, and next time I need a TARDIS tutu, I will be rockin' it. I paired it with my TARDIS tank, some electric blue leggings and my blue and black canvas shoes, plus used some blue and white tulle in my hair. The hair bits ended up being smoshed around by the kids, so I took it out and used it like a headband. Not quite as cute.
Of course I don't have a decent picture of me. Some may pop up on the forums, so I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Doctor Who,
Harry Potter
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