Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I am not new to blogging. My first was started in 2002 when I started law school. It started as a journal about life as an older law student, but quickly evolved into a dating blog. I was very busy back then. :)

After I met my husband, I stopped blogging for a while until I got pregnant with A (gotta come up with a better blog name for the kids). That blog was awesome, but it disappeared into the void. I tried again when Z came around, and stuck with it for awhile, but it got to be hard and not fun.

Every now and then I think about starting again, but my life, OUR lives, aren't what they were. So it seems a new blog is in order. My writing skills have atrophied, and I'm not sure there's really going to be a lot I can write about, but we'll see.

Summer is coming, we're doing lots of fun stuff, and I'd like to have it documented for the kids.

Oh, yeah, lots of new things in life. I am currently dealing with some sort of chronic illness. Right now we are calling it "Epstein Barr", which is kind of like grown up mono. I am sick every single day. I have a fever every single day. I am exhausted and feel like I haven't slept for weeks (yes, you've got it!) every single day.  Body aches? It feels like Julianne Michaels got ahold of me in my sleep and pounded me on every piece of equipment in the gym, but I am definitely not getting into shape. Quite the opposite, actually.

On top of that, the kids and I are staying with my mom, who is fighting triple positive stage 3 breast cancer. She is responding well to the chemo, but is starting to get pretty sick from it. I'm glad we can be here for her, but it's rough to watch her go through it.

So. That's us for now. It is what it is, and we'll take it from here.

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