Part 1, Build up
Part 2, Our Costumes
Part 3, Panels
The people were weird. They were strange. They were smart. They were dumb. They were kind. They were jerks. Basically, take a sampling of humanity, and you have your Comicon group. I didn't really "connect", but that isn't surprising, given that I was in charge of two very excited young people. There was no real time for chatting.
And really, we were there for the costumes. We were not disappointed.
I think, when we go again, I'd like to have some time set aside to just sit and watch. I've been seeing some pictures on Facebook of incredible costumes that I didn't see. There really was no way to see everyone, obviously. Everyone that dressed up did a great job. Most people were very nice when asked for photos. We all got many compliments on our costumes, and were asked for photos ourselves. I think the kids were asked by the official Con photographers every day - I have 7 cards from them.
Ariel, Rapunzel, Aurora and Hermione |
Z and Nick Fur-reeee (as he says it) |
Awesome 11th Doctor and Tardis in kid's fashion show |
Tonto, Kid's Fashion show. Maybe one of the best, most original costumes I saw. |
Ood and Weeping Angel |
Belle, Rapunzel and Ariel |
Edward Scissorhands at wand making class. |
The Riddler with Iron Patriot and Bat Girl. |
Harley Quinn and Bat Girl |
Bat Man and Bat Girl |
Peter Pan handed out magic jewels to the kids. So awesome. |
Bat Person and kids |
The only Thor (adult) we saw.
Z was blown away, because Thor let him "try" to pick up Mjölnir, and he did it! He told Thor that he had never been to Asgard, but that he was very strong. I think Thor laughed. I don't know who Thor's companion is, but Z was taken with her.
This one was funny. This Steampunk guy came up to us out of the blue and started playing like he was shooting Z. Z stood his ground and protected us. The Steampunk guy acted defeated. It was a little bit of awesome. I guess I need to find out what Steampunk is. |
There were a lot, I mean a LOT of Jokers. We weren't in close proximity to many. This guy was sweet. |
Homemade Iron Man. It was really well done. Very nice guy, he looked like Jim from "The Office." |
This was the best Superman. |
Quite a few Captain Jack Sparrows. They were all mostly awesome. This guy was in character and I wanted to hang out with him and party. |
Empty child. One of several we saw. I want to do this for the kids. Except better. |
More Iron Man. This is the AZ Avengers "official" Iron Man. We had to (like, Zane really really wanted us to) wait for him to suit up. There was no reasoning with him, and he had been really patient, so we waited. Worth every second. |
Scarlet Witch. We saw 2 or 3, which I thought was awesome. A loves her on Super Hero Squad. The kids call her super powers "Pink Power" because she shoots out pink charges when she attacks. Funny. |
A really cool Wonder Woman. Maybe my favorite. Z was sad he chose not to take a picture with this one, and asked several times over the weekend if we could try to find her. |
Super Man and Super Girl with Kryptonite. |
A couple of Super Kids at Xavier University. |
Captain America and Scarlet Spidey. Cap is Z's favorite person. We saw a lot of him, and he was incredibly sweet and patient with the kids. All of the "professional" cosplayers were, really. |
So, I was calling this girl "Joker", and I still think that's right, but I'm not 100% sure. After the weekend, I realized there is a LOT I don't know about comics, pop culture, etc. |
Iron Man hugging Bat Man |
Captain America and Iron Patriot |
Harry Potter and Hermione |
Wasp and Bat Rapunzel |
We learned how to be a mermaid from this girl. SO cute. |
Hawkeye and Cap. Seeing a theme here? |
Katniss! |
Zombie Alice and Mad Hatter |
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