So basically, the deal is- I am a huge geek. I have never been to any Comicon, ever. I rectified that this weekend in a huge way by attending Phoenix Comicon for all four days WITH MY KIDS in tow. The Con (that's what the cool kids call it, "Con") veterans that I spoke with had varying responses about that- from "best mother ever!" to "glutton for punishment." I think it's somewhere in the middle, but really closer to the first. Yes, there were a few unpleasant moments, but overall we had an amazing time and can't wait to do it again. Hence, my chronicling of our adventure.
So yeah, again, I'm a huge geek. Not extreme, but heck, I am living with my mother again, so maybe I'm more of a nerd. I started reading fantasy books when I was... I don't know. The first series I remember really devouring was the L. Frank Baum Wizard of Oz series when I was 10 or 11. I moved on to Terry Brooks' Shanarra books when I was about 13 or so. From there, you name it. Some light sci-fi, fantasy, pop culture, gaming, graphic novels and now with the kids super heroes and comic books, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot.
Last year, I started watching the current run of Doctor Who, starting with Stephen Moffat's 9th Doctor. Hooked in 2 episodes (maybe 1, but I think it was 2). I ran through 9th and 10th Doctors super fast, got to 11th Doctor and realized I was going to run out of episodes, so I started limiting the time I watched, but I still finished all of them, and got caught up on the current series. TARDIS gear started appearing, and I think my attitude might have started changing. I know my attitude started changing, not sure if it is coincidence or not. But it's for the better.
A few months ago, the kids and I went to Geek's Night Out in Tempe, because it boasted a TARDIS. Sold! We had a blast - on top of the TARDIS and lots of Doctors and companions to go with it, people were dressed in all manners of costumes. The kids were wide-eyed, and we all geeked out. I talked to some people at the Comicon exhibit and started thinking it might be fun. The kids and I talked about it on the way home, and I pretty much decided we would go. I purchased our membership (kids are free with adult).
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First day, Bat Kids posing with Cap's poster |
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Kids with Cap (Z's new bestie) and Scarlet Spidey |
Then I got sick. Really sick. Seriously. Not dying sick, but I have had a fever every day for the past 10 weeks, maybe longer, exhaustion, body aches (not gentle aches, like someone took a hammer to me ached). For at least 10 weeks. Every day. So my plans were kind of put on the back burner.
A few weeks ago, I realized the date was coming right up, so I did what I do best. I panicked. Then I multi-tasked. I worked on being sick, finishing my daughter's school's yearbook, and planning our Comicon experience. Because everyone knows that I can't just walk into a place wearing jeans and a t-shirt where 85% of the people are dressed up. Nope. That would be far too easy.
So I planned, plotted, checked, hunted, and in the end, I think we did Comicon (oh, sorry, "Con") in the absolute best way we could. We had fun, we looked good, and we learned some valuable lessons which will serve us well at future conventions.
..... and on to Part 2... Costumes!
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